
Introduction to a blog

Jun 11, 2021
It’s been a weird week. Currently in the midst of Delta-Covid shutting down Sydney after a nearly a year of being the poster-boy of how to handle a pandemic. I don’t think we were that smug about our long run of no community transmissions, but no doubt I was sometimes when talking to family back home.
Apr 23, 2023 11:10 AM
I sit leaning over my coffee table trying to think of something to write. My pregnant wife sleeps in the bedroom whilst the dog guards sleeps next to her.
I decided this morning to set up a family email address which then turned into this website. I don’t really know where this came from, but I think it’s a good one. One day I’ll thank myself for grabbing this virtual real estate. I’ve been working in tech for more than a decade and have even built half a dozen websites before, but i’ve never done a blog (well apart from that movie one I did with Taj) and it’s never been personal.
It’s been a weird week. Currently in the midst of Delta-Covid shutting down Sydney after a nearly a year of being the poster-boy of how to handle a pandemic. I don’t think we were that smug about our long run of no community transmissions, but no doubt I was sometimes when talking to family back home.
My employer gave everyone the day off on Friday, which was nice of them. I drove the dog, Kenny, to Girrawheen Park and went for a walk amongst moss, the trees, and the bats. The wife, Emily, stayed at home and finished a report that she’d been putting off for weeks and weeks. She was sooo happy to get it done. So a great Friday all round I’d say!
It’s made it a very slow, in a good way, weekend. It’s 5pm on Saturday but it feels like it should be 8pm on Sunday. Like when you wake up at 5am an realise you’ve still got another 2 hours to sleep. Not that I don’t enjoy my job, I do, it’s just been a tough few weeks and it’s been necessary to switch off. I work in a tech company that’s recently become a USD “unicorn” and it’s just really hard at times, like everyone’s jobs are I suppose. These last few weeks have been particularly hard and I’ve been working too much. So it was nice to have a break.
Got a slight twinge in my back from lying in the back-garden too long yesterday but apart from that, all things considered, I’m feeling pretty good.
So what do I plan on writing about? I’m not really sure, but I think it will probably one and all of the following:
  • I’m just about to have my first child, due on New Years Eve 2021. So that’s kind of a big deal that I’ll probably write about.
  • Maybe some work stuff like SAAS, digital marketing, product management, office politics, ways of working, maybe some rants.
  • Some other interests. I like Lego, I like beer, I like podcasts, I like books, I like music, I like … loads other stuff.
  • Or maybe I’ll just post of photos of Kenny and descriptions of his day. 🙂
    I think I’ll enjoy it, if I can keep it up!
    Now off to watch some Olympics and finish my beer.